
sometimes i wonder. what would life be like if u would born in another country, meet people on a different time, been on another spot at the right time, how would it be like?

would things have been the same or different? would things happend as it have? would it have the same energy, the same feeling and all the fun? would it be like it is now? exiting, wonderful and amazing or would we ever have been meeting echother?

it would be fun. getting to a new place. beeing there, live there and see other sides of life. and another thing, why are u supposed to meet some people in life? theres always a meaning with everything but its not always so easy to see it. altho it cant keep me from wondering, why want destiny with us when it made our roads cross? have you ever thought of that?

time are running away. we only live once. why are we doing some stuff?

i know one thing, and im hoping it will be true, 2010 gonna be an amazing year.

im still wondering.
are you doing the same as me?
where will we end up?
what will we see?

Linda, lets kick Londons ass!


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