why are some people so afraid of their past? why can the past come back and hunt us like ghosts from a different time? the past, is the past, and will always be our past, how hard we dont want to or how hard we try to forget all about it. it will never change. what happend have happend. altho it cant keep me from wondering why. why are be so obsest with our own past, and why are we always trying to forget all about it. the past can teach us, the past can provend us from doing the same misstakes all over again. but why are we so afraid of it?
sure, many people have bad memories from their past, myself included. but its not like it helps me at all when i try forget about it. it made me stronger and made me to the person i am today. im not saying im a good person or doing the right thing, im saying that im trying to find peace with my past. its not easy, its hard, hard as hell but for myself i have to keep trying. not push all memories away and pretend it never happend. it always find away back, reminding you of that its there, a shadow walking after you. it makes you do stuff different, it makes u find another path and it helps you continue walking when everything feels useless and you wonder what your doing and why things are meant to be.
my father said to me today "i wonder if i was evil that made a new child come to this world". sometimes i think hes right. it is evil, because the world is evil. sure, we have some good things here aswell in this cold world. but if your blind you cant see them. if you can touch you cant feel them. i think its up to us all finding the good things in this world. and if we ever do it, never let that good thing go away.
what is the meaning in life? maby we are meant to be searcing after this goodness, to feel it once in a life time and then have peace? sure, the good thing can slip away, but have the memory left of it, can it be enough to help us to keep going? all things happends fore a reason, all people we meet are we supposed to meet. why? destiny have a plan for us. you cant see it all the time, and sometimes it dosent show until years after. maby some people are our guardians without knowing that, without we seening that. and maby are the guardians supposed to hurt us the most, make us feel anger, make us sad. make us wanna go and never come back.
there are people devoding their life to history so we other can learn from it but why? the history cant teach us life now, the history cant tell what to do when the shadows and darkness stands on outside our door knocking. what can the history tell us that we can use to make it all better? it havent keeped us from doing same misstakes over and over again. so why?
what is the meaning in life? the biggest riddle of them all. i think we all have our own answer. and that answer will come to us, sometimes, if we arent to blind to see it.
when shall the past get rest so the present can keep on going?
is it like this? i wonder..
sure, many people have bad memories from their past, myself included. but its not like it helps me at all when i try forget about it. it made me stronger and made me to the person i am today. im not saying im a good person or doing the right thing, im saying that im trying to find peace with my past. its not easy, its hard, hard as hell but for myself i have to keep trying. not push all memories away and pretend it never happend. it always find away back, reminding you of that its there, a shadow walking after you. it makes you do stuff different, it makes u find another path and it helps you continue walking when everything feels useless and you wonder what your doing and why things are meant to be.
my father said to me today "i wonder if i was evil that made a new child come to this world". sometimes i think hes right. it is evil, because the world is evil. sure, we have some good things here aswell in this cold world. but if your blind you cant see them. if you can touch you cant feel them. i think its up to us all finding the good things in this world. and if we ever do it, never let that good thing go away.
what is the meaning in life? maby we are meant to be searcing after this goodness, to feel it once in a life time and then have peace? sure, the good thing can slip away, but have the memory left of it, can it be enough to help us to keep going? all things happends fore a reason, all people we meet are we supposed to meet. why? destiny have a plan for us. you cant see it all the time, and sometimes it dosent show until years after. maby some people are our guardians without knowing that, without we seening that. and maby are the guardians supposed to hurt us the most, make us feel anger, make us sad. make us wanna go and never come back.
there are people devoding their life to history so we other can learn from it but why? the history cant teach us life now, the history cant tell what to do when the shadows and darkness stands on outside our door knocking. what can the history tell us that we can use to make it all better? it havent keeped us from doing same misstakes over and over again. so why?
what is the meaning in life? the biggest riddle of them all. i think we all have our own answer. and that answer will come to us, sometimes, if we arent to blind to see it.
when shall the past get rest so the present can keep on going?
is it like this? i wonder..